Two more days and the exhibition will open.  Lies van de Wege, curator and collection manager at the TRC, was there, and it was fun to meet her and get detailed information about many of the pieces that are exhibited.

Today we put up all the text boards between the works and adjusted the position of the works so it all became an organic unity again. 

Lunchbreak is when we all sit down and then TRC stories are told;  That funding is a constant source of worry; the entire enterprise is run by volunteers, skilfully managed by  Gillian, the director.  That families and organisations from all over the world donate precious textiles to the TRC since it is one of the few places where there’s in-dept knowlegde of almost any piece of textile, antique or new, and where the textiles will be handled with the respect they deserve.

I told Gillian and Lies about the performance I did at the Rietveld of my Real Time Sock Pattern, the version of heel of the mini sock.  They liked the idea of making it part of the exhibition, and I am really looking forward to playing it again!

As a full swing volunteer now, I was asked to help out picking up a collection of books here in Amsterdam and bringing them to Leiden for to add to the TRC library. 

Next week we will pick up documenting and archiving textiles that are coming in or that are already there but not yet in the collection. there are 24.984 pieces in the collection already, neatly documented with text and photograph, around 8.000 of them are online already as well.

It will be an amazing experience too, being surrounded with textiles, new and really old, from all over the world!