Thesis Abstract

In my thesis I explore the function of repetition within the fields of music, textile and education. I research where repetition can lead to: standardisation, diversification, translation, innovation and I look at the function repetition can have: a tradition or a method? What are the concepts involved, what was written about it over time and how am I aware of repetition?

The Textile Research Center and the London Cloth Company are my examples of repetition within textile conservation and fabrication. Using my own profession as a classical musician, playing concerts, recording sessions and teaching and as a textile artist, I conduct experiments to become more aware of the precise function of repetition connected to movement and motor skills.

To understand the historical background of repetition and tradition within the field of textile production, I look at the invention of the first knitting machine in 1589. Here I analyse the economical and social impact repetition has had.
Citations of, among others, Queen Elisabeth I, Hume and Sennett, are guiding my timeline into modernity and are adding to the role of repetition in a learning-curve.

Within the thesis itself, I apply repetition as translation as well, through my drawings and through the composition: ‘When a violist, two knitting needles and lots of books meet’.