One of my goals this semester is to learn how to spin. I always love to figure out textile related techniques.
So, at the beginning of this semester I had an appointment with one of my teachers, Joost, the person that knows everything and more on textile related subjects. We got a spinning wheel, a Louet S10 off the shelve, and picked up some random white wool that was laying around. Right from the start it worked well and Joost explained me to first spin two bobbins and then use the third bobbin to twine together the two threads. I was fascinated. The wool had not been washed yet and there were straws in it and it really smelled like sheep and lanoline. The thread was beautiful and strong ad thick.
After spinning I knitted a sample with it.
From Texel I ordered one kilo of dark brown wool and washed it in a bit of champoo. I pt it to dry on a towel on the floor and after that carded it with two hand carding combs at school.
My first big skein of wool was a fact. The yarn came out big and rough with uneven bubs. A washed it again and the twined yarn felted a bit together.
Now that I got the hang of it I wanted to spin a thinner tread.
I carded the wool with the carding mill, that goes a lot faster and tried to spin the tread a lot thinner.
Next step, I shopped on Markplaats and bought a nice Louet spinning wheel. It is about 40 years old, but has a new string. It needs a bit of oil and tender care but it does the job. I am so happy with it! A few week sago we went to a farm near Delft, de Belevenisboerderij, and I brought back what turned out the finest white wool to spin with.
My idea it to dye the skeins I am spinning with this wool. I will use the natural dye recipes that I had experimented with last year while doing my sisal project.